Press statement issued by Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu

by Shri M Venkaiah Naidu -
Press Release

Statement made by Sri M Venkaiah Naidu, Hon’ble Union Minster for Information & Broadcasting at Hyderabad 21st August 2016.

Yesterday’s Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi’s remarks about the BJP and Sangh Parivar are like the pot calling the kettle black. It is the Congress party which has preached, practiced divisive politics in the country in last 50 years and it has always encouraged fundamentalist forces, it has thrived its politics on caste, region and religion. It has given credibility to Muslim league which is responsible for the partition of country by taking them to Ministry; it has aligned with communal forces like All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul Muslimeen and also other communal splinter groups in various parts of the country.

It has also really encouraged forces of separatism and divisiveness at times for the sake of temporary political benefits. I would like ask the congress party, who propped up Bhindranwale, who called him a great saint and then later who was forced to send army to golden temple to take on him.

Who encouraged LTTE ?, who gave them arms and training, then who is responsible for the loss of more than 1000 precious lives of Indian Jawans sending them to Sri Lanka in the name of peace keeping force?.

And thirdly who is responsible for what has happened in 1984 in Delhi where there was a genocide Sikh killing more than 3400 people?. Who gave the statement saying that when a banyan tree falls the earth will crumble, who made that statement what does it mean? How a party like that criticize BJP which is nationalist party.

You encouraged the cast politics, you encouraged regional politics, you encouraged religious politics, you gave support and encouragement by your actions to these communal elements from time to time and you are accusing us now. You have aligned with all this communal groups at times for temporary political benefits.

It is divisive politics coupled with vote bank politics practiced by Congress that has brought our country to the present situation.

It is the appeasement politics of Congress that has widened the divide between majority and minority, though nothing worthwhile has been done to minority, and it is legacy of the Congress regime that has complicated the Kashmir issue.

Don’t raise an accusing finger against the BJP it will boomerang on you, You have played vote bank politics, you never bothered to bring unity in the minds of the people, you have ruled the country for more than 50 years and ruined the country and how dare you criticize our ideology, you have no moral right to do that.

You have also earlier sympathized with organizations like JKLF, at times you are soft on organizations like SIMI, then AL UMMA. You aligned with fundamentalist Majlis in Hyderabad Municipal Corporation made them as mayor gave them credibility in the political circles which they were lacking all these years.

So you cannot criticize the BJP ,You have ruled for more than 50 years practiced vote bank politics and you always gave only empty slogans, words for the poor and deeds for the rich that has been a hallmark of your government. That’s why even after 68 years there is illiteracy of 35-40%, there and 25% of people are still living under below the poverty line.
Congress party sympathies with forces that celebrate and try to make icons of Kashmiri separatists, you went to JNU to express solidarity with sympathizers of terrorists Yakub Memon, Makbul Bhat and Afzal Guru and others who always tried to wreck the country and its constitution, challenge the unity and integrity of the country.

Now you are sympathizing with Amenity International who has provided a platform where divisive slogans and anti Indian slogans were raised and you supported such activities even in Hyderabad you expressed to solidarity with these extremists Maoists, fundamentalist, communalists who all came together to celebrate Yakub Memon and Makbul Bhat and Afzal Guru and now you try to preach us about the unity of the country and you accuse us that we are responsible for divisiveness.

You ruled the country for more than 50 years from Delhi to Galli from Parliament to Panchayat from Mukhya Mantri to Municipality every power was given to your hands. What is the social harmony that you have brought in all these years? Who is responsible for the present state of affairs right from the practice of untouchability, to social disharmony amongst the people, it is your politics it is your divisive agenda which is responsible for the present situation.

Our government came to power only 2 years back, we are steadfast working hard the Prime Minister has brought in social security and we are trying to bring social harmony, we are focusing on oneness in nation and we are focusing on development and good governance Antodaya uplifting the poorest of poor is our priority.

Country is moving ahead in spite of international adverse economic situations. Our growth rate is higher than anybody else in spite of the fact that China which is economically strong nation is going negative. Now the World Bank, the world economic forum, Asian development bank, Moody’s rating everybody appreciates India and they says India is the most favorite destination for the investors.

Who is responsible for the present situation in Jammu Kashmir. Jammu Kashmir situation is your making, you create a situation, you encourage such forces and then now you are blaming our government. Who is responsible for creating a sort of divisive mindset in the people and at times you are willing to sympathize even with those who even denigrate the armed forces which are fighting the terrorist and separatists under adverse climatic conditions.
You aligned with National Conference, You aligned with PDP and it is ok for you, but when we align with PDP it becomes unnatural.

You are silent on ISI and you are violent on RSS, You are hard on nationalists and soft on terrorists, that has been your line and now you try to criticize us forgetting what has been said by your leader, that’s why the entire social media yesterday was discussing about that infamous statement of 1984 made soon after the genocide.

On issues relating to foreign affairs we should all be extra careful, that means the country has to speak in one voice. But Congress itself is speaking in many voices. This is not expected from a party like congress, which has ruled the country this many number of years. You are supposed to be a matured party. Morning your HRD minister gives a statement, in the evening the party disowns, afternoon your former External Affairs Minister statement comes questioning the government stand and in the evening your party distances, next day former Home Minister makes a statement and even writes an article then the party distances itself. What is all this?

Why these double standards, is it the way a matured party should respond to such a serious and sensitive situations. I expect the congress party to be more mature in responding to such situations where the unity and integrity of the country is involved and particularly dealing with terrorists and their sponsors.

We should not fall prey to the tactics of our neighbor, some of the statements made by Congress leaders may be music to Pakistan ears but people of India are not willing to tolerate.

To sum up as I said yesterday, your party seems to be Consistently Inconsistent on critical national and international issues.


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